Second Grade

Second Grade at Forest Path Academy​​
The Second Grade program meets 3 days a week, Tues and Thurs 9:00-3:45 and Wed 9:00-1:45 (pickup between 1:45 and 2:00) pm. Families may choose to add additional days and hours to the program. Our full time program offers the most hours weekly, meeting 8:00-3:45 Mon-Thurs, or you can select individual components. Read below for detailed information
This core program is divided into 45 min class blocks. In the core PATHS program, our focus is on phonics and reading instruction as well as creating a love of literature. Students have 3 reading/language arts blocks and 1 math block daily. They have science and history twice a week on Tues/Thurs as well as Spanish, Music, and Art once a week. The core program constitutes a complete curriculum for a Kindergarten age student.
We have various add-options available for parents who would like additional school hours.
You can select from the following add-ons for the core PATHS program:
The "full time" option includes all of our classes and meets 8:00-3:45 Mon-Thurs. All homework is completed at the school.
Our Steam/Nature day meets Mon from 9:00-1:45 (pickup between 1:45 and 2:00). STEAM Mon for 2024-2025 includes 5 classes: Science Explorers, Jr. Biologist, Botany, Spanish, and Theater or Art. You can read more about these classes on our STEAM day page here
Early Drop Off 8:00-9:00. Students who enroll in the early drop off will have an extra hour of math instruction each day and will complete all math assignments during the school day.
Afternoon Block- Students may add 2:00-3:45 Mon and/or Wed afternoon. Students will complete any homework assignments as well as outdoor nature activities and literature and math enrichment.
These grades may be combined with 3rd for some subjects such as history, science, art, and Spanish; but are separated for language arts and math classes based on their reading level.
All students are placed in Math and Phonics/Literature classes based on their reading and math ability level. For other classes, they are grouped with their age level. The science and history in this age level are suitable for more advanced readers as well as emergent readers.
The following classes are included in the program:
Phonics-Advancing Readers:
This class is designed for average second grade readers. Student should be able to read simple words such as “cat” “dog” and “snack” as listed in the first grade. In addition, students should be able to read and decode more complicated words such as silent e words, multi-syllable words, and some “vowel team” words including words ending in y, suffix –ed, and others. Students will be evaluated the first week of class to determine reading placement.
We offer a strong phonics program based on Orton Gillingham methodology. We use primarily Saxon Phonics 2 as their main curriculum but supplement with other programs including All About Spelling / All About Reading and Explode the Code
We’ll start the year with classic stories such as Little Bear and The Velveteen Rabbit.
Second Grade students will also begin reading longer and more challenging works including the Magic Tree house series, Jenny and the Cat Club, My Father’s Dragon, Junie B Jones, Flat Stanley, and other favorites.
Our core workbook will be the Saxon math, but we supplement with other curricula. Students will be working on borrowing and carrying as well as beginning multiplication in the 2nd grade curriculum as well as other areas of study. We utilize both Math Centers with manipulatives and traditional worksheets.
Science: Chemistry OR Earth and Space
We utilize an A/B year system. 2nd and 3rd Grade will enjoy either Chemistry or Earth and Space Science. They will have one subject in 2nd and one subject in 3rd.
Science: Chemistry
Chemistry can be defined as the study of matter and energy and the interactions between them. In this class, children will learn important facts about the universe through exploration, experimentation, and fun! We will begin with an overview of fundamentals such as molecules and atoms and the phases of matter. Once these basics are covered, we'll explore different topics each week through fun and hands-on experiments. Children will be encouraged to make hypothesis based on what they have learned.
Science: Earth and Space
Come explore the night sky, then travel beneath the surface of the earth! Learn about planets through geological experiments, make a comet, and build your own telescope. These are just a few of the fascinating things we will do and study along with galaxies, planets, stars, nebulas and more. We'll also explore beneath the earth as we study rocks and minerals and volcanoes. We will learn about the rock cycle and types of rocks, explore a variety of rock specimens, and enjoy lots of experiments and hands on activities. Join us for a hands on journey through the deep sky and beyond.
HISTORY: Ancient Civilizations OR the Middle Ages
We utilize an A/B year system. 2nd and 3rd Grade will enjoy either Ancient Civilizations or The Middle Ages They will have one subject in 2nd and one subject in 3rd.
History: Ancient Civilizations
Young archaeologists will uncover clues as to what life was like in Ancient Mesopotamia through hands-on activities including making bricks for our city, writing on clay tablets, and making up hero stories inspired by Gilgamesh. Next, children move on to Egypt where they will write in hieroglyphics, mummify a Barbie doll, play ancient games, build a model pyramid and more. Finally we will study life in Ancient Greece and Rome. Hands-on activities including model making and crafts will be used as well as some cooperative group activities, research, and presentation. Weekly assignments and projects will be assigned. This class will include study of classic Greek myths.
History: The Middle Ages
In this class, students will explore life in the Middle Ages. We will learn about knights and castles, monks and manuscripts, Vikings, and historical figures such as William the Conqueror and Joan of Arc. We'll also learn about life in the middle ages including food, clothing, and society. We'll enjoy hands on activities such as making a book and building a castle- and everyone's favorite, storming the castle with catapults! We'll also look at various myths from the time period including King Arthur and Robin Hood. Optional assignments will be sent for parents to use at home.
Adventures in Art
The children will be introduced to and explore different techniques, mediums, materials, and a wide range of experiences, resulting in open-ended outcomes. Studies of artists, illustrators, and seasonal fun will also be included. The activities in this class will help foster a lifelong love of art and the creative process
Music: Recorder Ensemble and Rhythm Band
This hands-on class introduces children to the basics of rhythm, note reading, meter, and other musical concepts. We’ll explore composers such as Tchaikovsky and Bach, and themes such as folk music, ballet and jazz, and try out some dancing along the way. Children will gain experience in various instrument ensembles and play recorder and percussion instruments
Our Spanish Enrichment classes will introduce the Spanish language and Latin American/Spanish cultures in a “fun” atmosphere. There will be a variety of activities including flashcards, videos, games, and songs. We will build on our previous instruction and start learning additional grammar and vocabulary . The skill level taught will vary with the age of the student. Our goal will be to build a strong language foundation while having lots of fun!